How to Implement Humanism in Your Company


If you opened this article, then you are probably a businessman. However, you are not the basic type of entrepreneur; you are an entrepreneur that has a problem! If you do not know how to boost the effectiveness of your company, then there is probably something you are doing wrong.

Implementing humanism is possible and can be quite beneficial for your work environment. However, to reach that point, you will have to go through many stages. For starters, you need to understand what humanism movements support and promote. It is a type of philosophy that supports free will, self-efficacy, and self-actualization.

Humanistic followers believe that human beings are actually good. However, different everyday problems, lack of mental health as well as other people is something that makes us bad. More precisely, all these factors do not allow people to be themselves.

So, What Does This Have with Workplace Productivity?

To understand the point of this article, there is one thing that you need to know. Believe it or not, only 20% of people are passionate about their job. That means four out of five employees that work in your company are probably not highly motivated. Yet, this is not something you can’t change.

Implementing humanism in your workplace actually starts with you. You are the one who needs to change his behavior and approach and be the role model that other workers need to follow. If you do not respect the humanism principles, why would you expect that your workers will?

So, don’t apply the tips below immediately after you leave this article. Work on yourself and be ready to become a true role model. Yet, if you are ready for that, then we would like to share a couple of tips with you. There are multiple ways to implement humanism at the workplace, and we will highlight the most effective one!

Treat Your Employees with Respect

Raising the salary of the employee is not going to be enough to boost his productivity. Let’s say that you raise his salary by 10% after one year of work. When the next 12 months pass, he will expect to get a bigger salary. However, if you do not do that again, there is a big chance he will become unsatisfied.

On the other hand, something that will motivate him to work is the approach you have. You need to show respect and treat each individual that works in your company with dignity. When the treatment they get is at the highest level, they will get the necessary will to show respect as well. Because of that, they will complete tasks with more attention and potentially boost their productivity.

Allow Employees to Make Progress

Increase productivity in the workplace

Once again, progress is not the same as a better salary. Over time, you need to allow your workers to become skilled people. Because of that, you should provide them with entertaining training that can help them teach something new. Don’t forget that one of the humanistic principles is personal development.

However, this doesn’t mean only you should allow them to boost their skills; they should also get some meaningful lessons that can make them become good people. Here comes the moment when you have to be the example of a true humanistic supporter. You need to be positive, enjoy the moment, forget about the past, and constantly work on your current progress.

Highlight the Strengths of Each Employee

No one says that you have to lie to your workers. When they do something wrong, you should gently explain to them that they should fix something. However, something you can also do is to highlight their main talents and abilities. That way, you can surely help them become aware of what they are capable of.

When they become aware of the talent they didn’t know they have, they will start to work on its improvement. Despite that, they will also accomplish the tasks they get with more passion as they will start working with more optimism. When they realize what they can do, their attitude will change from “I am not sure if I can do it” to “I can do it for sure!”

Learn Your Workers to Enjoy the Moment

Let’s get back to the previous example. Workers make mistakes, and that’s not something new. Yet, when something like that happens, you must not criticize them a lot. Instead of that, highlight what they were doing wrong and explain to them what they should change.

However, when they complete the task, tell them to enjoy the moment of “glory”! Tell your employees that they should be happy as they managed to achieve something they didn’t before. Do not allow them to think about the past as that can negatively influence their self-confidence and motivation.

Understand Their Needs

One of the ways to show respect toward your employees is to understand what needs they have. As mentioned, criticizing is not going to help at all. Punishments such as reduction of the salary for 10% is not going to be effective either. These are not the ways how humanism functions.

Instead of that, you need to show understanding of the needs they have. The reason why they are always late or make mistakes usually has a deeper issue. That is the reason why you need to understand which psychological, safety, esteem, and self-actualization needs they have and try to meet them. If you manage to do that, their productivity will grow!

Final Thought

Well, we suppose that everything is clear now. However, that doesn’t mean that humanism at the workplace does not have any pitfalls. More precisely, one problem could potentially appear. Your employee needs to be aware of his rights and get the best possible treatment. However, he or she mustn’t forget that there are also certain responsibilities. The workers must not feel they can take advantage of your positive approach. If you can handle that, the productivity will definitely boost!

By Mike
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