Is There Only One Type of Humanistic Therapy?


There are probably a bunch of things that we experience daily that can make us happy. However, there are also many stressful moments and problems that make us feel bad. Sometimes, we usually focus on the negativity that surrounds us all the time. Finding a solution under those conditions is almost impossible. Because of that, the main goal that you must have is to boost your mental health!

Problems with money, love problems, lack of self-confidence, anxiety…all these things do not allow you to be your true self. That is the reason why you sometimes make terrible mistakes and bad decisions that make you unhappy. Fortunately, humanistic therapies can be your superheroes!

As we stated in one of our previous articles, humanistic therapy focuses on each individual and understands his unique mentality and approach to the rest of the world. Despite that, this form of philosophy also suggests that all people are good at heart. That gives them the right and ability to make the best possible choices for themselves.

However, doing that with a lack of mental health is impossible and can be counterproductive. Because of that, all the humanistic theories want to ensure that every human being on this planet is aware of his good and bad side.

So, can humanistic theories help people? Without any doubt, the answer to that question is – yes. However, without good information, you will never manage to choose the right therapy for your needs. For starters, there are three of them

  • Gestalt Therapy
  • Client-Centered Therapy
  • Existential Therapy

Each one has a unique approach, so it would be good to analyze them one by one. Let’s go!

Gestalt Therapy

We will start with the therapy that may be the most popular one among many therapists. According to this therapy, the crucial way to improve your mental health is your personal experience. Your task would be to clearly describe everything you are experiencing every single day in your own words. There is no one else in this world who knows how you feel better which makes this belief logical.

After a couple of sessions, you will actually manage to get the so-called safe emergency. When a procedure like that becomes your routine, you will know in every possible moment what exactly bothers you. For instance, you may find out that you are not getting enough attention from your partner or that you often disagree with your parents.

When you visit the therapist, he will use the so-called “here and now” approach. When you make that sort of atmosphere, you will learn to recognize all the emotions you have, their cause, and try to fix the issue instantly.

Logically, there is not just one technique that you will use. For instance, the therapist will ask you to go through the scenario that caused negative emotions together with him/her. Despite that, it can also happen that you can imagine a scenario where you will have a specific role. It can even happen that you repeat everything that happened with an empty chair and pure imagination.

Client-Centered Therapy

You may find the phrase person-centered therapy as well as Rogerian therapy. Keep in mind that all three phrases are referring to the same procedure. Some people perfectly absorb everything that other people say about them. More precisely, they start to believe the criticism they get from the bellowed ones.

People need to understand that they will receive a bunch of negative comments throughout their life. Because of that, it may happen that you lose the necessary self-confidence and will to make progress. Logically, when personal growth does not exist, true happiness will never appear.

Despite that, there is one more thing that you need to be aware of. You have to find a therapist that is going to be a perfect match for you. The role of the therapist is to accept you, your negative side, and the problems that you have. When you feel that there is someone who 100% understands you, you will start to have the freedom to express your opinion. Doing that more often will boost your self-confidence!

Existential Therapy

Finally, the third therapy that you can use to improve your mental health is existential therapy. Understanding this treatment is a bit more complex, so we will try to simplify the explanation as much as we can. Generally, the name of the treatment itself tells the full story – the main goal of the therapy is to help you understand your existence. You need to understand who you are, why you possess certain talents and habits and figure out how your personal characteristics influence your worldview.

In other words, the experts you will work with will help you understand the meaning of everything that happened in your life. The lessons you get will help, you will finally understand that you are free to be the version of yourself that makes you happy. However, it will also remind you that you need to take responsibility for all the decisions and choices that you make.

However, there is one small note that we have to highlight here. The therapists will never convince you to go into the past. They will help you focus on the current choices you make and be aware of all the good and positive things that could happen in your life after making certain decisions. By focusing on the present time, you will know which goals, responsibilities, and actions negatively or positively impact your mental health.

Final Thought

You are probably wondering now whether these therapies are good for you or not. Well, we can only say that everyone is a good candidate to try out these treatments. If you feel like your life is not full of happiness and joy, then you will certainly find out many different methods to improve your mental health this way. The question is – are you ready?

By Mike
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